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We are not like you, Brooke.
I definitely come between these people and their Calvins. (Or Sevens, or Lee, or True Religion…). I keep things comfy. Bet you don’t know that I’m a relatively modern invention (less than 300 years old). And only in the ‘60’s did I get colorful! |
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I’m mostly worn by men, And of a certain age. Today, I have to confess, I am not all the rage. I’m reminiscent of other days, Of suit coats and collar stays. In older issues of GQ, I was often center stage. |
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You like me more in summer. I keep your insides cool, By cooling the things that you drink.
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You like me more in winter. I warm you up When you drink me in.
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Remember me from elementary years (Though I matter still these days). You oft did me in before the long part nears Even just half her size. My peers, who come in many shapes and colors, And always very smart Make it easier to correct your errors. |