Feeling keyed up? Try the brain balancer.

Feeling keyed up? Try this.

If you want to learn a safe mind-body technique…

evidence for the chakras

Is there scientific evidence for the chakras?

Margaret Moda conducted a review of the…

insomnia? try this, the balance hookup.

Have insomnia? Try this.

Want to learn a great technique to help you…

Reiki helps cancer patients

Reiki helps Cancer Patients

Energy psychology includes tapping therapies,…

Four Ideas that Explain Energy Psychology

Energy psychology (EP) is a set of somatic,…

need an energy boost? try the four thumps.

Need an energy boost? Try this.

Groggy and can't take a nap? This blog teaches…

stress, inflammation, and cancer

Stress, inflammation, and cancer

This blog gives an overview of recent findings…

Feeling clumsy? Try the crossover shoulder pull

Feeling clumsy? Try this.

Read on to learn an easy tool you can use to…