Change how memories feel using EFT

"I remember but I don't feel upset": How energy psychology facilitates memory reconsolidation One of the best things about being an energy psychology practitioner is seeing that look of wonder in our clients' eyes when their traumatic memories are no longer traumatic. Tapping lets us change how memories feel. "I remember it, but I don't feel upset about it," they say. It's the kind of…

Want to lose weight? Try EFT. The research is in.

Want to lose weight? Try EFT. People who are overweight generally know what to do. Eat less, eat better, exercise more. Pretty simple, right? So why does it so often feel simply impossible? As with so many human problems, we know better, but we don't seem to be able to do better. Fortunately, there are solutions. One comes from energy psychology: EFT helps with weight loss. There are many…

Why Get Counseling?

Getting therapy isn't just good for you. It's good for the people in your life. I'm a therapist, so maybe I'm biased. From my perspective, there are benefits of counseling that are important, not just for the one getting counseling, but for everyone in their lives. Therapy is the opposite of self-indulgent. It is actually a win-win; it is pro-social. This is because of the effect we have…

Relationship help: How to have a healthy marriage that lasts

Deeply and Completely When researchers look into what makes for effective psychotherapy, they find that the technique matters less than three qualities of the therapist: genuineness, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. When we bring those qualities into the therapy room, our clients are able to begin to accept themselves, and from that place, to gain resilience and find themselves…

Relationship help: Someone pushing your buttons?

Have you ever wondered what to do when someone is pushing your buttons? Consider thanking them. This is because when someone is pushing our buttons, we are learning where those buttons are. Now we can begin to uninstall them. And in our romantic relationships, this can be a step toward repairing attachment wounds, which I wrote about last week. Often my clients come into the office very upset…

Healing Trauma

Many of my clients have experienced trauma, whether it is losing a loved one, getting divorced, or being diagnosed with a serious illness. Traumatic experiences are part-and-parcel of our human experience. They can be the defining moments of our lives, and how we deal with them - or don't - has a tremendous impact on what happens next. We used to think that PTSD was "incurable;" now we know that…

Five ways to soothe your heart after a breakup

If you are grieving over the breakup of your marriage or significant relationship, take heart: When you arm yourself with the tools to get through this crisis, you will find yourself on the other side, happier, healthier, and stronger than you thought you could be. It helps to have strategies and a plan. Here are five ways to soothe your heart after a breakup or divorce. Remember the bigger…

How to heal from a breakup and create a life to be excited about!

Do you know someone whose heart is hurting because of a breakup? With half of marriages ending in divorce, and most relationships not ending in marriage, the chances are that you do, and that person is hurting. Learn techniques to heal from a breakup to make the process a little smoother, and a little shorter. The grieving process Fortunately we have tools and strategies to help the healing…

Healing from a breakup

Healing From Breakups Is your heart breaking? Are you perhaps so angry you don't know how to move on? You can recover from loss and heartache. It hurts. And then, it doesn't. Loss of a primary relationship is painful, and you may experience many emotions on your way to recovery. The good news is that with time and attention, you will heal. We grow from these painful experiences.…

EFT Quick Start Guide

EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a member of the energy psychology (EP) family of psychotherapies. These therapies combine Western psychology methods, mainly drawing on cognitive and behavior principles, with Eastern energy-based healing principles, including acupoint stimulation and chakra balancing. This mind-body approach allows EP techniques to facilitate rapid, positive change. EFT…