A treatment for PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) that uses no drugs, has no side effects, and really works―does that sound too good to be true? Research shows that such a treatment does indeed exist. EFT, the emotional freedom techniques, can resolve PTSD symptoms in as little as five sessions. Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest hospital systems in the US, just published clinical…

Hypnotherapy for Cancer Patients

Transformative Therapy is a private therapy practice in Bryn Mawr, PA. We specialize in working with clients who have cancer and other serious illnesses. We offer a holistic approach to therapy including hypnosis and energy psychology. This article summarizes research demonstrating the benefit of hypnotherapy for cancer patients. The benefits of hypnotherapy for cancer patients There is a…

You Get What You (Think You) Deserve

In my therapy practice in Bryn Mawr, I often help clients resolve issues they have been dealing with for years. The issue may present in different forms, but at its core, it is the same thing, again and again. You get what you (think you) deserve. Intractable issues? Typically these intractable issues come in the areas of finance, relationship problems, or weight and other health issues. Even…

Is tapping really necessary? Here’s the deal with EFT tapping.

I have used EFT and other meridian tapping therapies both for myself and with many clients in my therapy practice in Bryn Mawr. I have seen issues―even really tough ones―clear up quickly, almost magically. These results intrigued me, and prompted me to do some research about the field of Energy Psychology; you can read some of it here. People sometimes wonder if tapping meridian points is really…

I goofed ―and it turns out, I grew

In addition to my work as a therapist and healer, I am a yoga teacher --and I love it. Being a part of the yoga community is rewarding, being a teacher is an honor. Finding the right time-slot for a class is both art and science, as we try to figure out when people can, and want to, come to class. Two weeks ago I spoke with the owner of the studio where I teach, and we decided to start my class…

The Chakras: Foundations of Health

You know you are more than your body, that you are an energy being, timeless and expansive. How does that energy become the "we" that we see? Part of the explanation comes from an understanding of the energy body. Basically, our physical bodies are the concrete reservoir of energy pouring into us from the biofield, the energy body that surrounds and interpenetrates us. Within that biofield are…

With our thoughts we create the world

With our thoughts we create our world. This ancient piece of wisdom, handed down by the Buddha, is making inroads in our culture. Is there any evidence that this is true? If we accept that this is true, what are the implications? Thoughts must be incredibly powerful if they create our world, but they often seem to have a “mind of their own”. How can we correctly handle them? One of the best…

About Sarah Murphy

About Sarah Hi! I am Sarah Murphy, a Licensed Professional and Nationally Certified Counselor. I specialize in counseling for people who have cancer or other serious illnesses. In addition, I have advanced training in working with couples. And I love working with individuals who are in transition and ready to create a life they are excited about! If you are interested in using a…

Transformative Therapy

you Request a consultation Expert Therapy Online, for Lasting Change Welcome to Transformative Therapy If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey, you're in the right place. I specialize in providing compassionate, holistic, and results-driven therapy tailored to your unique needs. Expert therapy online in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. About…

Stress, inflammation, and cancer

This blog gives an overview of recent findings from the field of psychoneuroimmunology: the intersection of psychology, biology, and immune function. This blog is partly the story of how stress acts on a molecular level to increase our chances of getting cancer and of cancer progression. The more important part is the story of how de-stressing might help our immune systems function better and…