Feeling clumsy? Try this.

Read on to learn an easy tool you can use to boost your coordination. When you find yourself bumping into things and losing your coordination, it's a pretty good sign that your energy field is out of balance. You can get yourself back in balance by practicing the Crossover should pull or the standing version, the Cross Crawl. Both of these simple body-based techniques help restore left-right…

Feeling groggy? Try this.

If you’re feeling groggy and want to learn how to revive, you’re in the right place. This blog teaches you an easy tool you can use right now to help you wake up. One of the fastest and most effective ways to become awake and alert when you're feeling groggy is to use the Thymus Thump. This is a simple body-based technique that helps you increase your life-force energy. It was developed by…

Healing sexual abuse with EP tools

Research shows Energy Psychology tools are effective in healing sexual trauma By John Freedom and Sarah Murphy Sexual violence is one of the greatest traumas a human can experience.  It affects millions of Americans, leaving lasting effects on functioning and wellbeing. It is notoriously difficult to address using conventional talk therapy. Moreover, the research on conventional talk therapy,…

EFT helps reduce fatigue

Another study makes the point A study by Ghaderi, Nazari and Shaygannejad, published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research explored the effects of EFT on fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis. Fatigue is one of the many symptoms that people with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience. It has a tremendous impact on quality of life, so treatments to address it are important. In…

Feeling angry? Try this.

Want to learn techniques to release anger? You’re in the right place. This blog teaches you an easy tool you can use the next time you are feeling angry. One of the fastest and most effective ways to release anger is to blow it out, using the Stress Blow-Out. This simple body-based technique helps your body relax as you release that buildup of anger. This technique is also helpful if you're…

Feeling anxious? Try this.

Try this the next time you feel anxious or afraid. If you want to learn how to feel better fast next time you're feeling anxious, you have come to the right place. This blog teaches you an easy tool you can use to help you feel connected and safe. One of the fastest and most effective ways to restore a sense of safety is to give yourself a calming hug. This simple body-based technique helps…

Biofield therapy for cancer: the impact of healing on stress and disease

A study shows how biofield therapy affects physiological and psychological markers of stress; this blog explains it. My recent blog about Reiki for cancer patients generated a lot of interest. Today’s post takes a deeper dive into the research. Here we examine one study, a dissertation by Shamini Jain which was published in 2009. In this study, Jain compared biofield therapy to mock healing…

Thought Field Therapy vs. Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Trauma

Here’s a little nugget from the research on energy psychology, also known as cognitive somatic energy practices. Thought-field therapy (TFT) is a well-researched form of energy psychology. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a popular and widely researched modality in the world of mental health. Each modality has its place in therapeutic settings. However, in the world of trauma treatment,…

Memory Reconsolidation: I Remember But I Don’t Feel Upset

One of the best things about being an energy psychology practitioner is seeing that look of wonder in our clients’ eyes when their traumatic memories are no longer traumatic. “I remember it, but I don’t feel upset about it,” they say. It’s the kind of experience that makes this profession so rewarding. I remember one instance in particular. A client was working on a childhood trauma. He…

Research Shows: EFT Helps People Lose Weight & Maintain Weight Loss

People who are overweight generally know what to do. Eat less, eat better, exercise more. Pretty simple, right? So why does it so often feel impossible? As with so many human problems, we know better, but we don’t seem to be able to do better. There are many factors that have very little to do with the knowledge that leads us to the sleeve of Girl Scout cookies. Or the bag of chips. The pint of…