Upset by memories? Try this.

Learn an easy tool you can use to help leave the past in the past. One of the fastest and most effective ways to heal old memories is to tap lightly on a series of points on your body. One technique that can really help is Simple EFT (emotional freedom techniques)*. This simple body-based technique helps your body to relax and allows you to feel calm and balanced. It also is great for reducing…

Simple tools to boost your therapy results

Are you a therapist who is always looking for tools that get great results? If you are already using energy psychology tools like EFT, TFT, AIT, or CEP, you know how powerful these approaches can be. And as great as they are, sometimes a little tweak can lead to big improvements, even in an already-fabulous therapeutic toolkit! Here are four often overlooked yet simple tools to boost your therapy…

Muscle Testing 101: Four Tools to Tune into Your Body’s Wisdom

We know that our body holds a storehouse of wisdom. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to tap into that? Well, it turns out, we can! The field of applied kinesiology, or as it’s more commonly called, muscle testing, gives us access to our bodies’ innate wisdom. Some of these tools are meant to be used on yourself, and others are meant to be used with another person. Each of them can be mastered with…

Help for the Emotional Effects of Cancer

This is the third in a three-part series on EP and cancer Cancer causes tremendous emotional pain. Some cancer patients who have been diagnosed say that cancer is more of an emotional problem than a physical one. Energy Psychology tools seem uniquely positioned to help alleviate the distress that a diagnosis causes. Tools like EFT and TFT, as well as the many techniques listed on ACEP’s…

EFT Research Proliferating Around the World

John Freedom, Marg Hux, and Jan Warner reviewed the literature on acupoint tapping studies published in foreign-language journals. They published their findings, Research on Acupoint Tapping Therapies Proliferating around the World, in a recent issue of the Energy Psychology Journal. This shows that there is great interest in EFT, and EFT research, around the world! The review covers 91…

Feeling stuck? Try this.

If you’re feeling stuck and want to learn a safe mind-body technique to help, you’re in the right place. This blog teaches you an easy tool you can use right now to get un-stuck. When your energy feels scrambled, leaving you confused or stuck, you can bring yourself back to balance by practicing the Collarbone Breathing Technique. Use this simple body-based technique when you are feeling stuck.…

Feel anxious? Try this.

If you are looking for a tool to use to ease your anxiety, you are in the right place. This blog teaches a simple body-based tool to help when you feel anxious. One of the simplest ways to reestablish feelings of safety is to cue bring yourself back into the body and in the moment by applying gentle but firm pressure to the arms and upper torso area using Simplified Self-Havening.  This simple…

Recipe for a stress-free holiday season

Recipe for a stress-free holiday season This recipe for a stress-free holiday is my favorite. I’ve created it over the past few decades, adjusting as the seasons went by. I hope you will enjoy it too! Ingredients: Just enough time with friends and family Plenty of rest Downsized shopping list Reasonable holiday menu Daily routine to stay grounded Release of expectation Directions: Start…

Is the Brain the Origin of the Mind, or its Instrument?

In his recent blog, my colleague Bob Schwarz discusses mind and its relation to energy psychology. His piece is a synthetic review of the modern paradigm and its application to the field of energy psychology. I highly recommend giving it a thorough read. Bob quotes Dan Siegel, who posits that the mind is “created by the body interacting with the environment.” This sentence struck me, as it ties…

Need stress relief fast? Try this.

Are you stressed? Want to learn how to release that stress quickly? You’re in the right place. This blog teaches you an easy tool you can use right now if you need stress relief fast! One of the fastest and most effective ways to reduce stress is to tap on a series of acupressure points, practicing a technique called Easy TFT (thought field therapy)*. When you use this simple body-based…