Crisis as a Path to Growth

Humans grow through crises. I am one of those who definitely and intensely resisted the crises I had to face and the sacrifices I was forced to make as I struggled along my path of personal growth. I recall having a joking-but-serious conversation with what I imagined was my Higher Self: She had the crook of a cane in the corner of my mouth, pulling at my cheek, saying in a Groucho Marx sort of…

Five ways to take care of ourselves during turbulent times

It seems like everywhere we look all we see are problems. Given this, it is not surprising that according to the WHO, mental health problems are on the rise all over the world. While it is normal to feel upset when the whole world seems to be falling apart, we can take steps to reduce our feelings of distress. When we do that, we are better able to be a part of the solution – or at least, not…

How to reduce pre-surgical fear? A study says, try EFT!

Many people who are facing surgery are looking for ways to reduce pre-surgical fear. Those of us who work with energy psychology understand how tools like EFT can help. For instance, I (Sarah) have often used EFT with my clients who are fearful of an upcoming operation, and I know – and my clients learned! – how effective it is. Until now, there have not been clinical trials to back this up.…

Logosynthesis: A New Approach to Healing Traumatic Memories

Logosynthesis® is an integrative energy psychology approach to healing and development that uses the power of words to resolve disturbing memories, fearful fantasies, and limiting beliefs. It is a relatively new form of Energy Psychology, and there had been no formal research conducted on it until recently. EP therapist and PhD candidate Natasha Jones recently completed and published her doctoral…

Treating Adverse Childhood Experiences with Tapping

David Feinstein contributed an article to Frontiers in Psychology’s recent edition which focused on “Changing the Score the Body Keeps: Somatic Therapies for Adverse Childhood Experiences.” David’s article, Using energy psychology to remediate emotional wounds rooted in childhood trauma: preliminary clinical guidelines appears in the October 18, 2023 edition. The paper provides a rationale and a…

Introduction to the meridians and the acupoints

A meridian researcher claimed that “if we do not understand the meridians, it is hard to understand TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).” In the world of energy psychology, we can add that we cannot really understand energy psychology tapping unless we understand the concept of the meridians. Interestingly, the meridians are very closely related to the nadis of Ayurveda, the traditional medicine…

Research Update: Review Shows EFT is an Effective Treamtent for PTSD

Frontiers In Psychology published a systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrating that EFT is an effective treatment for PTSD. The study, Emotional freedom techniques for treating post traumatic stress disorder: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis, showed that Clinical EFT produces a greater symptom reduction than no-treatment or “treatment as usual” studies. Furthermore, EFT…

Helping a patient recover from mental illness without drugs

Alice Lee, M.D., is a holistic psychiatrist who uses an innovative approach, using energy psychology to help patients recover from mental illness without drugs. At the 25th ACEP conference, she shared a detailed case report of a patient who weaned from six different psychotropic medications as she healed from her diagnosis of bipolar disorder. It’s a fascinating story and one we thought you…

Types of trauma, explained

Acute, chronic, or complex. Not all trauma is the same, but the impacts of trauma are widespread and well documented. There are different types of trauma, but they all can leave us scarred, with lasting effects on our physical, emotional, mental, social, or spiritual functioning. Some traumas, like war, car crashes, and assaults, are called acute or “Big-T” traumas. Others, like being belittled…

Therapeutic Approach & Theoretical Orientation

Therapeutic Approach & Theoretical Orientation In our therapy, we will use a variety of evidence-based mind-body tools. These include EFT Tapping, guided imagery, and other forms of energy psychology. These tools help you make progress toward your therapy goals quickly and painlessly. We will also discuss events in your life. You will learn new and more empowering ways to think…