Energy Psychology in the Age of Covid-19: What does the research say?

We are living in unprecedented times, as the world grapples with the covid19 pandemic. Many people are experiencing fear and worry about catching the virus and getting sick. Televisions across the world beam images of overcrowded hospitals and overburdened healthcare professionals. There is a real concern that necessary equipment is not, and will not be, available to protect and care for those in…

Biography, Biology, and Destiny: How Energy Psychology Can Break The Chain

(Originally published on Diabetes. Depression. Heart disease. Asthma. Addiction. Cancer. What common denominator increases the likelihood of developing any of these conditions? Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs. According to the CDC, ACEs are associated with an increased risk for mental and physical health problems across the lifespan. Childhood trauma (the biography)…

Energy Psychology, EFT: A Mind-Body Approach

Energy Psychology (EP) is a family of therapies that combine Western psychology methods with Eastern energy-based healing principles. This mind-body approach allows EP to facilitate rapid, positive change. The most common form of EP is EFT, the emotional freedom techniques. More than 100 studies published in peer-reviewed journals document the effectiveness of these simple energy-based…

Energy Psychology Research

Transformative Therapy is a private therapy practice in Bryn Mawr, PA. We specialize in working with clients who have cancer and other serious illnesses. We offer a holistic approach to therapy including hypnosis and energy psychology. This article summarizes energy psychology research. This is a set of mind-body techniques that combine Western psychology with Eastern energy-based principles.…

The Brief Energy Correction: A Tool to Rapidly Reduce Pain and Distress?

Robin Bilazarian is an experienced EFT trainer. During one training, she was working with a volunteer who was experiencing pain. Usually, a few rounds of EFT tapping reduces pain. This time, it did not. Bilazarian remembered a tool from her training in comprehensive energy psychology: the brief energy correction (BEC). She led the volunteer through the simple process and their pain finally…

Need an energy boost? Try this.

Groggy and can't take a nap? This blog teaches you an easy tool for an energy boost. Next time you need an energy boost, try the Four Thumps. This is a simple body-based technique that will help you get your energy flowing. The technique comes to us from Donna Eden. Practice the technique right now by watching the video below and following along. You can also download written instructions in…

You are an energy field: a key to understanding and healing trauma

"Everything is energy" is an aphorism; what does this mean, practically, for you, for us, and for our emotional and physical wellbeing? The body is an energy field. You are an energy field. This holds the key to understanding our experience, and the key to understanding and healing trauma. The good.Most of your charge seems to come from the heart, which generates 60 to 1000 times more energy than…

Introduction to the chakras, or energy centers

You know you are more than your body, that you are an energy being, timeless and expansive. How does that energy become the "we" that we see? Part of the explanation comes from an understanding of the energy body. Our physical bodies are the concrete reservoir of energy pouring into us from the biofield, the energy body that surrounds and interpenetrates us. Within that biofield are seven major…

Is There Any Research on Distant Healing?

Professor Chris Roe, Dr. Elizabeth Roxburgh and Ms. Charmaine Sonnex at the University of Northampton conducted two meta-analyses of research studies on non-contact healing published in the journal Explore. This study is not new but is worth a new look. It adds to the small but growing body of research on distant healing. It recently came to our attention through the Confederation of Healing…

New Study Casts Doubt on Serotonin Theory of Depression

For decades, many people in the public, clinicians, and the scientific community have accepted the "chemical imbalance" explanation of depression. However, a new study by review by Moncreiff et al (2022) challenges this long-held belief. Their comprehensive review found scant evidence linking low serotonin levels to depression. This finding has significant implications for understanding and…