EFT, the emotional freedom techniques

EFT, the emotional freedom techniques, is a simple, evidence-based technique that can help us resolve our emotional issues quickly and easily. In EFT, we tap on a series of acupressure points while thinking about an issue. In my therapy practice in Bryn Mawr, I have helped many clients make big changes using this simple process. How to do EFT When we start tapping on a problem, we might rate…


A treatment for PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) that uses no drugs, has no side effects, and really works―does that sound too good to be true? Research shows that such a treatment does indeed exist. EFT, the emotional freedom techniques, can resolve PTSD symptoms in as little as five sessions. Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest hospital systems in the US, just published clinical…

Energy Psychology, EFT: A Mind-Body Approach

Energy Psychology (EP) is a family of therapies that combine Western psychology methods with Eastern energy-based healing principles. This mind-body approach allows EP to facilitate rapid, positive change. The most common form of EP is EFT, the emotional freedom techniques. More than 100 studies published in peer-reviewed journals document the effectiveness of these simple energy-based…

Is tapping really necessary? Here’s the deal with EFT tapping.

I have used EFT and other meridian tapping therapies both for myself and with many clients in my therapy practice in Bryn Mawr. I have seen issues―even really tough ones―clear up quickly, almost magically. These results intrigued me, and prompted me to do some research about the field of Energy Psychology; you can read some of it here. People sometimes wonder if tapping meridian points is really…

Is There Any Research on Distant Healing?

Professor Chris Roe, Dr. Elizabeth Roxburgh and Ms. Charmaine Sonnex at the University of Northampton conducted two meta-analyses of research studies on non-contact healing published in the journal Explore. This study is not new but is worth a new look. It adds to the small but growing body of research on distant healing. It recently came to our attention through the Confederation of Healing…

New Study Casts Doubt on Serotonin Theory of Depression

For decades, many people in the public, clinicians, and the scientific community have accepted the "chemical imbalance" explanation of depression. However, a new study by review by Moncreiff et al (2022) challenges this long-held belief. Their comprehensive review found scant evidence linking low serotonin levels to depression. This finding has significant implications for understanding and…

Crisis as a Path to Growth

Humans grow through crises. I am one of those who definitely and intensely resisted the crises I had to face and the sacrifices I was forced to make as I struggled along my path of personal growth. I recall having a joking-but-serious conversation with what I imagined was my Higher Self: She had the crook of a cane in the corner of my mouth, pulling at my cheek, saying in a Groucho Marx sort of…

Five ways to take care of ourselves during turbulent times

It seems like everywhere we look all we see are problems. Given this, it is not surprising that according to the WHO, mental health problems are on the rise all over the world. While it is normal to feel upset when the whole world seems to be falling apart, we can take steps to reduce our feelings of distress. When we do that, we are better able to be a part of the solution – or at least, not…

Logosynthesis: A New Approach to Healing Traumatic Memories

Logosynthesis® is an integrative energy psychology approach to healing and development that uses the power of words to resolve disturbing memories, fearful fantasies, and limiting beliefs. It is a relatively new form of Energy Psychology, and there had been no formal research conducted on it until recently. EP therapist and PhD candidate Natasha Jones recently completed and published her doctoral…

Energy Psychology in Pakistan: Meet Shazia Shahzadi

Shazia Shahzadi is a psychologist in Pakistan where she has been working tirelessly to bring the benefits of energy psychology (EP) to her community. Since 2005, she has been using energy psychology in Pakistan, gaining a following and helping improve lives! In addition to her work with individual clients, she has led groups and workshops, including to the International Committee of the Red…