Treating Adverse Childhood Experiences with Tapping

David Feinstein contributed an article to Frontiers in Psychology’s recent edition which focused on “Changing the Score the Body Keeps: Somatic Therapies for Adverse Childhood Experiences.” David’s article, Using energy psychology to remediate emotional wounds rooted in childhood trauma: preliminary clinical guidelines appears in the October 18, 2023 edition. The paper provides a rationale and a…

Introduction to the meridians and the acupoints

A meridian researcher claimed that “if we do not understand the meridians, it is hard to understand TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).” In the world of energy psychology, we can add that we cannot really understand energy psychology tapping unless we understand the concept of the meridians. Interestingly, the meridians are very closely related to the nadis of Ayurveda, the traditional medicine…

Research on energy psychology: study validates the effectiveness HMR

Brent Baum and his colleagues researched the feasibility of Holographic Memory Resolution, or HMR, to alleviate depression, anxiety, pain and PTSD. They found patients’ depression, anxiety, symptom burden, and PTSD all decreased after just four 90-minute HMR sessions. The online journal Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice published the study, The Use of Holographic Memory Resolution to…

Types of trauma, explained

Acute, chronic, or complex. Not all trauma is the same, but the impacts of trauma are widespread and well documented. There are different types of trauma, but they all can leave us scarred, with lasting effects on our physical, emotional, mental, social, or spiritual functioning. Some traumas, like war, car crashes, and assaults, are called acute or “Big-T” traumas. Others, like being belittled…

Energy psychology online: Five reasons this is a perfect fit!

The pandemic is hopefully fading into our rearview windows, though the covid-19 virus with its myriad variants is here to stay. We are learning to live with these new risks, adjusting to the new normal, and learning to love some of the changes that the pandemic brought about. One of those changes is the explosion of teletherapy! Back in 2020, people wondered if energy psychology was going to be…

Therapeutic Approach & Theoretical Orientation

Therapeutic Approach & Theoretical Orientation In our therapy, we will use a variety of evidence-based mind-body tools. These include EFT Tapping, guided imagery, and other forms of energy psychology. These tools help you make progress toward your therapy goals quickly and painlessly. We will also discuss events in your life. You will learn new and more empowering ways to think…

Online counseling for individuals

You want to be happy. You never thought life would be like this. Or maybe you never dreamed it could be better – till now. You have tried to take care of people and meet their expectations. All that just left you feeling empty and unfulfilled. You want more from life and are not quite sure how to get it, or even if you should. But there has to be more than this. Online counseling…

Upset by memories? Try this.

Learn an easy tool you can use to help leave the past in the past. One of the fastest and most effective ways to heal old memories is to tap lightly on a series of points on your body. One technique that can really help is Simple EFT (emotional freedom techniques)*. This simple body-based technique helps your body to relax and allows you to feel calm and balanced. It also is great for reducing…

Simple tools to boost your therapy results

Are you a therapist who is always looking for tools that get great results? If you are already using energy psychology tools like EFT, TFT, AIT, or CEP, you know how powerful these approaches can be. And as great as they are, sometimes a little tweak can lead to big improvements, even in an already-fabulous therapeutic toolkit! Here are four often overlooked yet simple tools to boost your therapy…

Muscle Testing 101: Four Tools to Tune into Your Body’s Wisdom

We know that our body holds a storehouse of wisdom. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to tap into that? Well, it turns out, we can! The field of applied kinesiology, or as it’s more commonly called, muscle testing, gives us access to our bodies’ innate wisdom. Some of these tools are meant to be used on yourself, and others are meant to be used with another person. Each of them can be mastered with…