New Research on AIT (Advanced Integrative Therapy)

A pilot study by Gregory Brown and colleagues and published in the journal Energy Psychology looked at using Advanced Integrative Therapy, or AIT, to clear negative emotions related to past trauma. This is the first formal academic research on AIT! The study, Therapists’ Observations in Reduction of Unpleasant Emotions Following Advanced Integrative Therapy Interventions, found that the…

Can Energy Psychology Help with Mindfulness?

The practice of mindfulness meditation is becoming very popular. However, many people find it difficult to start or stay with the practice. Energy psychology practices might help. ACEP founding member and past president Fred Gallo, with his colleagues Bhikkhu Anālayo, Christiane Steffens‑Dhaussy, and Dawn Scott recently published a paper exploring the relationship between mindfulness and the…

Book Review: Treating Trauma with Energy Psychology

Are you interested in energy psychology and want to learn more about non-tapping approaches? Check out the new book, Treating Trauma with Energy Psychology, edited by Catherine Folkers. It contains case studies from Folkers and eight other mental health professionals, detailing their use of Advanced Integrative Therapy, a chakra- and language-based technique, along with other energy psychology…

Feeling keyed up? Try this.

If you want to learn a safe mind-body technique to help next time you feel keyed up, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn an easy tool you can use at any time to calm down. When you feel "keyed up" or out of balance, you can get yourself back in balance by practicing the Brain Balancer. This simple body-based technique helps restore left-right balance and allows you to feel more clear and…

Five things to say when introducing people to energy psychology

People who use energy psychology (EP) in their own healing work or in their clinical practice know how powerful it can be. But it can be tricky to introduce these Eastern-influenced tools to Westerners. With the right elevator speech, you can help people understand EP. Then, they might give it a try – and then, they will feel better. Here’s how you can introduce energy psychology to people who…

Three reasons why you need to be using body-based tools in your therapy practice

There is a growing interest in therapy tools that go beyond talk therapy. Talk therapy is great. I’m a classically trained counselor, and I love talking with my clients about how they are thinking of the issues in their lives. However, there are certain cases when talking is just not effective. In those cases, body-based tools, like EMDR, EFT, somatic experiencing, etc., are very effective. These…

How to keep your sanity when the world is losing it

The pandemic, the wars abroad, the political divide at home, inflation, commuting again – sometimes it seems the world has gone crazy. How are we to keep ourselves sane and grounded amidst all that turmoil? The question is not rhetorical. I read the research on mental health and talk about these things with my clients all the time. Here are some ideas that can help you stay sane when the world…

Reiki helps Cancer Patients

Energy psychology includes tapping therapies, which have been widely researched and which we write about frequently. However, there is more to energy psychology than meridian tapping. Some energy psychology practices focus on the chakras (Advanced Integrative Therapies, for example, is a chakra-based energy psychology method). Others focus on the biofield. Energy psychology practitioners also may…

Four Ideas that Explain Energy Psychology

Energy psychology (EP) is a set of somatic, holistically influenced, evidence-based tools and therapeutic interventions that help people manage their mental health issues. One of the most popular forms of EP is EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT and other EP methods are gaining traction because they provide therapists and clients effective alternative to traditional talk therapy. They are…

Five Takeaways from the Research on Energy Psychology

Energy Psychology is a set of body- and energy-based tools for mental and emotional issues. These tools are gaining traction among clinicians and clients. That’s because they work. Indeed, there is a substantial base of evidence supporting these tools. Here are five takeaways from the research on energy psychology: The body of research is robust: More than 275 articles in peer-reviewed journals…